To My Beloved Foe [Official]
1. A Heart Within Walls of Ice
2. The Cold Doesn't Bother Her
3. We're Not Children Anymore
4. The Pretence of Family
5. A Visit from an Old Flame
6. The Fire That Burns Twice as Bright
7. The Sorcerer Soirée
8. What We'll Never Forget
9. Selena Plans Her Escape!
10. Millard's Responsibility
11. The Absurdity of Marriage
12. My Dearest Brother, I'll Protect You
13. My Darling Sister, I'll Kill You
14. How Could Fire Fathom Melting?
15. For a Moment, We Were Happy
16. Pour All of Your Hatred onto Me
17. A Honeymoon Full of Heartache
18. Scars Cannot Hide the Truth
19. Death Comes Marching In
20. Putting the Dead to Rest
21. The Audacity of Some People!
22. A Marriage Built on Lies
23. Goodbye to the Human World
24. The Master of the Magic Tower
25. You're Not Alone Anymore, Selena.
26. There's Something Off About Him
27. What Married People Should Do
28. Save the First Dance for Me
29. Age Is But a Number
30. Don't Leave Me Behind
31. Full Transparency
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Full Chapter
1. A Heart Within Walls of Ice
2. The Cold Doesn't Bother Her
3. We're Not Children Anymore
4. The Pretence of Family
5. A Visit from an Old Flame
6. The Fire That Burns Twice as Bright
7. The Sorcerer Soirée
8. What We'll Never Forget
9. Selena Plans Her Escape!
10. Millard's Responsibility
11. The Absurdity of Marriage
12. My Dearest Brother, I'll Protect You
13. My Darling Sister, I'll Kill You
14. How Could Fire Fathom Melting?
15. For a Moment, We Were Happy
16. Pour All of Your Hatred onto Me
17. A Honeymoon Full of Heartache
18. Scars Cannot Hide the Truth
19. Death Comes Marching In
20. Putting the Dead to Rest
21. The Audacity of Some People!
22. A Marriage Built on Lies
23. Goodbye to the Human World
24. The Master of the Magic Tower
25. You're Not Alone Anymore, Selena.
26. There's Something Off About Him
27. What Married People Should Do
28. Save the First Dance for Me
29. Age Is But a Number
30. Don't Leave Me Behind
31. Full Transparency
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uploaded at 17 days ago
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