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The Spaniard's Pregnancy Proposal
Expecting #38
Kim Lawrence / Rieko Hamada
🇮🇩Apakah anda ingin secangkir teh? (Drop)
차 한잔 하실래요?
Jiah Kim / Yeomu
🇰🇷Manhwa,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Time Travel
A Girl That Only Appears on Snowy Days
Yorudo Kimayu / Luna / Fuyaketa Usagi / Miokun
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare
君死二タマフ事ナカレ / 愿君勿死 / Thou Shalt Not Die
moriyama daisuke / yoko taro
You, The One Sitting Next To Me, Are The Cutest.
Kamu yang duduk di sebelahku adalah yang paling imut / Tonari no Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii / 隣の君が一番かわいい / The You Next to Me is the Cutest One of All
🇯🇵Manga,Comedy,Crossdressing,Romance,School Life
Red Lion
الأسد الأحمر (Arabic) / Röda Lejonet (Swedish) / Vörös oroszlán (hungarian)
yong sun kim
Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life
Aflame Inferno
炎のインフェルノ / 불꽃의 인페르노 / A Flame Inferno
lim dall-young / kim kwang hyun
Furimuku na Kimi wa
振り向くな君は / 永不回头的你 / Don' / t Turn Around / Furimuku na Kimi ha / The you that never looks back
yasuda tsuyoshi
Seikimatsu Darling 2006
世紀末ダーリン2006 / 世紀末☆ダーリン2006 / End of a Century Darling 2006 / Millennium Darling 2006
naruto maki
Shounen ai
Genshiken - Saki☆Mada (Doujinshi)
Genshiken dj - Saki☆Mada / Genshiken dj - SakiMada
aichiko (circle) / ubizo
🇪🇸THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Watashi, Karada ga Atsuku Natte Kimashita! (Doujinshi)
THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls dj - Watashi, Karada ga Atsuku Natte Kimashita!
armomo (circle)
Tensei Shitara Dai Nana Ouji Dattanode, Kimamani Majutsu O Kiwamemasu
I was reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I will perfect my magic as I please / 転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます
Kimi to, Sekai ga Owaru made
キミと、世界が終わるまで / 與你一起直至世界終結 / Ensemble jusqu'à la fin du monde (French) / Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Made / Mit dir bis ans Ende der Welt / With You / Until the E
oda aya
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Tragedy
selector infected WIXOSS - Re/verse
mekimeki / okada mari
Seinen(M),Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Psychological,Shoujo ai
Let's Kill Your Husband
네 남편을 죽이고 싶어 / I want to kill your husband / Let's Kill Your Husband
Hideo Okuda / Kim Hyeonjin
Eternal Sisters
ES - Eternal Sisters
fujieda miyabi / hakamada mera / hirowa nagi / inoue shinkai / izumi yuu / karyu / kimuru / kindaichi renjuurou / kuromasa shisei / masuyama kei / minamoto hisanari / miyakoshi wasoh / mucchiri muunii / satou akitoki / shouji haruka / sumino hirune / takenashi eri / teramoto kaoru / uchimura kaname / yakadan sakana
School Life,Shoujo ai
🇪🇸Our Love Counseling
キミと私恋愛相談 / Kimi to Watashi no Renai Soudan / Nuestros Consejos de Amor / Your(s) and My Love Counseling
saeki shun
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
🇮🇩Yuki no Hini au Koto ka Tekiru Onnanoko no Hanashi
A Girl Who Only Appears on Snowy Days
YORUDO Kimayu / Fuyaketa Usagi (Miokun)
Kimi wa "Suki" no Daimeishi
君は「好き」の代名詞 / 妳是「喜歡」的代名詞 / Kimi wa Suki no Daimeishi / You are Synonymous for " / Love" / You are the Pronoun for Love
shimaki ako
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Tragedy
Kimi dake wa Shinde mo Gomen
Even if I Were to Die, I Wouldn't Choose You / Kimi dake wa Shinde mo Gomen / 君だけは死んでもごめん
Azusa kina
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Saikou no H
ヴァージンズ / 最高のH / 最棒的H / Best Sex
aikawa hiro / anthology / hidaka sarii / hirose emu / mikimoto rin / nanba atsuko / ouchi rika
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Chou Ni Naru Hi
チョウになる日。 / Blue Cat's Tunnel / Chou ni Naru Hi / Chou ni Naru Hi {the day which become a butterfly} / Cyo-Ninaruhi / Hate ni Aru Kimi / The day I become a b
yumeka sumomo
Shoujo(G),Drama,Psychological,School Life,Shounen ai
THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Comic Anthology cute
アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ コミックアンソロジーcute
bandai namco games / hanatsuka / hrd / kongaripasuta / mizumi / sarano anri / sukima / usoneko
Comedy,Slice of Life
Kisshou Tennyo
yoshida akimi
Josei(W),Mature,Mystery,Psychological,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Kantai Collection dj - Level 1 Tekina Hibi
艦隊これくしょん dj - レベル1的な日々 / Kantai Collection dj - Typical Level 1 Days
-sakimiya- (sakimiya)
Doujinshi,Comedy,Slice of Life
Ato nimo Saki nimo Kimi dake
後にも先にもキミだけ / 独一无二的你 / 獨一無二的你 / Atonimo Sakinimo Kimidake / I Am Your Baby!
kawakami chihiro
Genshoku Tsundere Danshi Ikenai Sensei
After School It Gets Sexy ~Dangerous Private Lessons~ / 原色ツンデレ男子: いけない先生 / 原色ツンデレ男子。 いけない先生 / Ecchii Houkago Kiken Na Katekyou / Ikenai Kiss O Shiyou / Kinkyori Renai - Boku ga Megane o Shiteru Wake / Kinkyori Renai - The Reason For Me Wearing Glasses / Kinkyori Renai ~Bangaihen / Mi Da Ra Choukyou / Pink No Idenshi Hanamitsu Shounen
aikawa hiro / kanou noriko / kuramochi mari / mikimoto rin / yuzuki jun
Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura - Kagerohi / Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura - Kageroi / Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura -Kageroi- / Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura Kagerohi / Kagerohi
asaoka shuku
Seinen(M),Action,Historical,Slice of Life
Sensei Datte Gaman Shiteru
かわいいキミと甘い恋 / キスは、告白の前に。 / 先生だってガマンしてる / 十代センチメンタル / 彼は、私のことが好きみたいです。 / 氷を溶かすキスの熱 / Juudai Sentimental / Kare wa, Watashi no Koto ga Suki Mitai Desu. / Kawaii Kimi to Amai Koi / Kiss wa, Kokuhaku no Mae ni. / Koori o Tokasu Kiss no Netsu
mitsuki miko
Kyou no Kira-kun
きょうのキラ君 / 今天的吉良同学 / Kyo no Kira-kun / Today's Kira-kun
mikimoto rin
Love Live! Sunshine!! dj - Kyou wa Little Demon ni Mimi Souji o Shite Moraimasu!
今日はリトルデーモンに耳掃除をして貰います! / Love Live! Sunshine!! dj - Today, My Little Demon Will be Cleaning My Ears!
hon no kimochiya (2c = galore)
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai