Not bad (almost "good") romance stories [all completed] - Part 1

EstherD -
Find Part 2 here

Scored 6 ... hesitate sometimes with 7. No ranking. All sorts of romance (modern, fantasy, historical, ...)
Disclaimer : The pacing or plot of these didn't totally met my taste. I was sometimes bored while reading some of them, found other mangas with similar plot better, or the story too short to express its potential. Sometimes i was just perhaps not in the mood. But I recognized the author's work nonetheless. Hence the list.

If you're interested, find :
  • romance stories i've scored 9 or 10 (masterpiece or great) : here
  • romance stories i've scored 8 (very good, definitly worth it) : Part 1 & Part 2
  • romance stories i've scored 7 (with a lot of potential) : Part 1 & Part 2